Keyword Match Types

The 3 Keyword Match Types in Google Ads: What they are and what the difference is

Broad match keywords

This is the most broadly covering match type and if you are using broad match for your campaigns your ads will appear for searches that are related to your keywords but can also include searches that do not include your keyword. This is also the default and recommended match type for Google Ads.

Phrase match keywords

this match type gives you more focused keywords and your ads will appear to searches containing the keyword or its close variations such as synonyms or typos. Yours ads can also appear on searches that include the meaning of your keyword. Phrase match keywords are shown with “quotation marks” around them.

Exact match keywords

as the name implies these are the most exact keywords you can use for your campaign. Your ad will be shown on searches that include your keywords or very close variations of them that imply the same intent and have the same meaning. Exact match keywords are shown with [square brackets] around them.